
12.2.23 Update

12.2.23 Update Hello everyone, it is with a heavy heart that I write this email. At the moment we are still without a board for the foundation, and the prospects for forming one, before the lease runs up in May, are not looking good. While we do have members still working on this, we don’t…

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9.12.23 Update

9.12.23 Update After the sweltering weather we have endured for the past several weeks, our reasonable Fall weather seems almost cold. We’re enjoying Goldilocks weather now; not too cold; not too hot; just right. It’s wonderful to feel the breeze across one’s body. The best part: the weather guessers tell us it will remain this…

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8.31.23 Update

8.31.23 Update Although the weather was questionable until shortly after noon last weekend, our turnout for the wine & cheese event was great! About a dozen Eduners and friends participated; each with a different wine and plenty of cheese. To this observer, it appeared everyone enjoyed themselves. Perhaps some participants forgot it.As our season approaches…

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May 2022 Update

Even with the rain, this has been a busy week. Spring continues to try to locate our Special Place so we’ll be ready for sunshine in the coming Sumer months. Still, there is much going on. We want to keep you in the loop.

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December 2021 Update

It appears winter is finally here. But, there are still a few sunny and (relatively) warm days. And, of course, we still have a lot going on. Sauna Season is in Full Swing Our last sauna was about full. It was great to be able to talk with so many people. We even had a…

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April 2021 Update

April 2021 Update Everywhere we look, we see green. The grass is becoming fresh again. Our trees are budding. Springtime at our special place is truly beautiful. We hope you will experience it for yourself, soon. Here are some reasons: Sauna Last weekend, we held our first sauna in over a year (except for the…

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