10.5.23 Update By all accounts, our Gnome Scavenger Hunt was a wild success. The weather was cooperative and scores of Eduners were on hand.  But, now it appears the weather is definitely taking a turn toward the inevitable. While there will surely be some more sunny days ahead, they will probably not be as warm or as frequent as we’d like. The weather guessers tell us this weekend could very well fall into that category. Our special place is always available for you to enjoy. Fish, camp, hike the trails, lay out and soak up the sun that is available. And, of course, with the cooler weather ahead, we expect to use our sauna more frequently. Get ready!  Be A Host Eduners have a long tradition of winter house gatherings. These are home events hosted by an Eduner for other Eduners. Typically only a dozen plus/minus are able to attend. Sometimes the…

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9.21.23 Update Our excellent weather continues and Eduners continue to enjoy it at our favorite place. If all goes according to what the weather guessers tell us, our great weather should continue for the remainder of the week. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy it also. This Weekend A number of Eduners have taken it upon themselves to organize a scavenger hunt that should appeal to everyone. In addition, it will give everyone an opportunity to explore parts of our special place that don’t receive as much traffic. We expect the hunt will begin about 11 Saturday morning. Make it a full weekend event. We expect several Eduners will arrive Friday afternoon and camp until Sunday. Feel free to join the party. We can have some campfires and maybe someone will bring the fixings for smores. As always at Lake Edun, the more the merrier. Sauna Season Soon As the weather…

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9.12.23 Update After the sweltering weather we have endured for the past several weeks, our reasonable Fall weather seems almost cold. We’re enjoying Goldilocks weather now; not too cold; not too hot; just right. It’s wonderful to feel the breeze across one’s body. The best part: the weather guessers tell us it will remain this way for the remainder of this week. Perhaps into next week, also. Get out and ENJOY IT! Fall Campout To bring in the start of fall, some of our members are putting together a naked gnome scavenger hunt on Saturday, September 23. Rumor has it that beer may be involved for participants, as well as a drawing for other beverage related prizes. Look for more details next week.  For those bold enough to brave the falling evening temperatures, it is also our fall campout. You can enjoy an evening under the stars with a warm fire…

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8.31.23 Update Although the weather was questionable until shortly after noon last weekend, our turnout for the wine & cheese event was great! About a dozen Eduners and friends participated; each with a different wine and plenty of cheese. To this observer, it appeared everyone enjoyed themselves. Perhaps some participants forgot it. As our season approaches its inevitable conclusion, the weather guessers tell us this weekend will be particularly good. In the high 90’s without all the humidity that made being outside difficult to enjoy. We hope you will join us … and there are good reasons. Open House Saturday will be an open house so those curious about Naturism can  experience it for themselves. If you have never tried it or a friend of yours has expressed cautious interest, join us Saturday at noon. This is free for anyone who has never visited our facility in the past. It is a…

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My First Time Experience Alex S So I’m Alex… This is my first time experience. I had never been to any social naturist/nudist place before. It was always private, alone, and usually after dark. I originally planned on first visiting Lake Edun on a good weather weekday, when there wouldn’t be so many people. I had been reading the website constantly, and knew that I wanted to visit, if not join. I just wanted to read my book and drink some beers, sans clothes, with the latter being out of the norm for me. However, when I saw 95 degree weather in the forecast for Saturday the 6th of May, I couldn’t resist. I knew that I was going to visit, and would probably become a member, so I just jumped in, not knowing what to expect. I checked in, and actually, I felt more uncomfortable, being the only person…

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Even with the rain, this has been a busy week. Spring continues to try to locate our Special Place so we’ll be ready for sunshine in the coming Sumer months. Still, there is much going on. We want to keep you in the loop.

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It appears winter is finally here. But, there are still a few sunny and (relatively) warm days. And, of course, we still have a lot going on. Sauna Season is in Full Swing Our last sauna was about full. It was great to be able to talk with so many people. We even had a few visitors we haven’t seen for quite some time and even a first timer. Everyone seemed to enjoy the opportunity to visit. Remember: Bring your own towel and plenty to drink (no glass, please). Also, if you would like to request a sauna at a time more suitable for your schedule, just contact us. Early Start for Winter Warriors Chris has been working on a list of projects for the Winter Warriors to undertake this season. Tasks he wants to work on now include cutting some dead trees near the barn and the meadow in…

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I don’t remember what we were discussing at that particular moment, but I ended my text with the words, “I should be a nudist.” I almost fell off my chair laughing when I got his response…..“I am a nudist.”

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April 2021 Update Everywhere we look, we see green. The grass is becoming fresh again. Our trees are budding. Springtime at our special place is truly beautiful. We hope you will experience it for yourself, soon. Here are some reasons: Sauna Last weekend, we held our first sauna in over a year (except for the heat-up we had during the Polar Plunge which really didn’t count as a true sauna.) It was wonderful to once again feel the relaxing heat penetrate every pore. Plus the conversation in a sauna is always great. We have another scheduled for this Friday, 4/2 at 8pm. Winter Warriors Update Thanks to the faithful Winter Warriors who have been working hard to ensure our special place is spruced up for the coming season. Because Kansas weather tends to be unpredictable, it is always difficult to plan our gatherings too far in advance. That said, it…

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First Time Eduners: Aaron & Lisa Aaron & Lisa C Last winter we moved from the country, with multiple acres, to the middle of the city. Lisa had always enjoyed soaking up the sun in the nude, but city dwelling doesn’t lend itself to that. Not wanting to give it up, she suggested we venture out to Lake Edun. Covid was also just ramping up so we couldn’t do much else. We had known of Lake Edun, but never seriously considered it. Aaron was up for a new experience, so we made a plan to head out the next weekend. We were a bit nervous on the drive, but not about being naked.  It was more about the unknown.  Where do we go?  Who do we talk to?  What is the etiquette?  We’d never done this before, and were honestly flying by the set of our pants (or lack thereof…

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