shower, put sand on the south beach, improved trails on the west side of the lake, replaced one of the bridges at the north end and did an excellent job keeping the land looking terrific.
Conservation planted another 500 bare root seedlings and about 8 larger trees. In addition, they continued the effort to transplant cedar trees in low areas along the road.
Everyone agreed it has been a good year for the Lake Edun Foundation.
Next, an election was held for new members to the Board of Directors. The membership agreed the out-going board had completed an excellent year. Special recognition was given to Ed who has put out twelve good issues of Bare Facts on time each month. Thanks, Ed.
The following members were nominated to serve on the Board of Directors of the Lake Edun Foundation for a one year term: Webb Garlinghouse, George Hess, Nancy, Henry, Robert Klinge, Vicki Knueppel, Jason Liane, Walter Norris, Dorothy Sands, Carlie, Kelly Shepardson, Mark Sorensen, and Syd Weybrew. The president opened the floor for additional nominations. Larry Forbach volunteered to serve on the Board. There being no further nominations, the members moved to vote on the slate for the Board of Directors of the Lake Edun Foundation. On a motion made and seconded, all the above members were elected to serve a one year term on the Board.
Finally, there was discussion about committees. Several of those present volunteered to serve on some of our committees. Social: Sally; Return to Edun: Robert; Facilities: Barry & Debbie, Jason, Big Mike, Tom C., Bill C., Larry the 'lectrician, and Steve G. If there are any others willing and interested in serving on any of our committees, they should contact a member of the Board.
There being no further business to come before
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