Board of Directors

The Board of Directors makes everything happen for the foundation. They make the plans and allocate our budget. The Board sets policy and implements the program for the Foundation. Members meet monthly as a group. Each Board member chairs a committee with specific responsibilities and makes periodic contributions to our emails.

Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. Sit as an ex officio member of all committees. Sets the agenda and chairs monthly meetings of the Board of Directors.

Recording Secretary:
Keep minutes of all meetings of the Foundation. Maintain contact with all appropriate national organizations including TNS, NEC and NAC. Educate our mem­bership on the function and importance of these organizations. Encourage support for these groups among our members.

Check our P.O. Box and either reply to inquiries or route to the appropriate board member. Pay legitimate invoices and record deposits made by Member Relations. Prepare monthly financial statements for the Board. File our 990 taxes with the IRS and annual report with the State of Kansas. Account for all property and money owned by the foundation.

Member Relations:
Maintain our database so we have accurate mailing and email addresses, and an accurate record of payments received. Make bank deposits. Print and mail member cards. Periodically print member lists for the caretaker. Update our email lists, as appropriate. Take steps to insure the database and all information therein is handled with great confidentiality.
The overall purpose of this committee is to improve membership retention. Screen new applicants. Make a recommendation to the Board concerning their suitability for mem­bership. Maintain contact with members; determine problems or conflicts that may develop with their membership. Work with the Social Committee to develop meaningful activities for all members. Remind members we have not seen about upcoming activities. Keep all members active and interested in LEF.

We realize not everyone will be comfortable with the Naturist lifestyle at first. The Social Committee must plan and coordinate special activities throughout the year that imple­ment our educational objectives with our membership and permit members and guests to learn firsthand about the benefits of naturism. It should plan indoor events during winter months when use of our leased facility is not practical. It should make a special effort to conduct events that will attract women and families to the Foundation. Major summer activities should be limited to not more than one per month.

Facilities Coordinator:
In conjunction with others on the Board, hire a Caretaker and provide supervision for him. Insure projects are undertaken in a priority consistent with the Board’s directives. Keep a list of special projects to be worked on. Be present for all work days. Handle personnel matters. Arrange for hosts for winter saunas and summer events. Make recommendations to the board regarding development and improvements.
Insure we meet our obligations for conservation, maintenance and improvement as required by the terms of our lease. Organize resources, including work days, toward achievement of these obligations. Coordinate with other committees to insure their requirements are met.

Implement the educational mission of the Foundation to the public through seminars, press releases, articles, presentations, meetings, interviews, etc.
Education & Outreach committee is responsible for spreading the word on the beneficial impact naturism can have on the individual, the family, and our community.
Since we no longer publish Bare Facts, find other appropriate ways to fulfil our educational obligations as required of a 501(c)3 Educational Foundation.
The Web Master also serves on this committee. Main­tain and enhance our presence on the Internet. Keep our web presence vital and relevant.

Send out periodic emails. Suggest updates & changes for our web page to our Web master. Post updates on Facebook. We really need someone to do more with these. We should probably also do something with twitter, meet-up, linkedin and other social networking sites.
The promotion and publicity committee should work in concert with the Education Committee to arrange for appropriate publicity of our foundation with the objective of improving the public perception of nude recreation in general and increasing membership in the Foundation. We want to present nude recreation as a healthy alternative to other forms of family entertainment. We should strive to be featured positively in news stories twice during the year.