Women in Naturism
For a woman, the idea of being nude in a social setting is fraught with fears related to a lifetime of sexual objectification and subconscious attacks on their self-esteem. This is why women benefit most from being a naturist, but it is also why they have the hardest time trying naturism.
The thought of being nude in front of others absolutely terrifies me!
This is an entirely natural fear that many women on their first visit experience. While no-one will physically force you to take off your clothes, Lake Edun is for those people who wish to be nude in order to enjoy the physical, psychological, social and moral benefits.
I have issues with my body image, will others judge me?
You don’t need to worry because it shouldn’t happen! Staring is intrusive and naturists don’t do it. Nor do they compare bodies or body parts. We are all different and naturists respect and indeed celebrate those differences.
Will my breasts get sunburned?
It is possible that your breasts could sunburn easier due to lack of previous exposure. We recommend a good sun block and limiting sun exposure on your first few visits.
What if everyone is more attractive/unattractive?
Each person is unique and there’s no such thing as a perfect body. Naturism is a form of therapy that will help you realize that bodies comes in all shapes and sizes. With time, you’ll come to appreciate that older bodies also reveal the marks of a well-lived life.
How long will it take to be comfortable?
Everyone is different. Some feel instantaneously comfortable the minute they shed their clothing. Others need more time to adjust. We all know that logically, there is no reason to be uncomfortable with our bodies. But emotionally, that’s a different story. We have gone through years of socialization which has taught us to be embarrassed, ashamed and even offended by our own image. So naturism is a form of therapy to help us reconnect with ourselves. When it comes to our bodies, many of us have the symptoms of an emotional disorder called a phobia (gymnophobia: fear of nudity). To treat a phobia, you need to first recognize it. Then treatment is all about desensitization through exposure (pardon the pun). So it may take a person many visits to get comfortable and it may take some effort. Likely it will be an ongoing form of therapy since few of us live in a naturist world. In mainstream society, we are constantly bombarded with messages that reinforce gymnophobia. But naturism does provide an antidote. It should be taken liberally and frequently. Fortunately, it becomes quite delightful with time. In fact, it can be addictive but only with positive side effects.
What if I am menstruating?
Menstruation is a natural and accepted part of life. Many naturist women use tampons, which allow them to take part in naturist activities unhindered. Some women who are not comfortable with tampons use alternatives like menstrual cups. If you prefer to use sanitary napkins, wearing bottoms is perfectly acceptable. However, since wet pads lose all ability to absorb menses, expand, and begin to disintegrate, you cannot go into the lake or sauna while wearing your bottom.
If you chose clothing to control your period, please make sure that the item is consistent with naturist values. In other words, it should not be enticing or suggestive. It should not serve as a fashion accessory. Please select an item that is subtle and functional.
Do I have to undress right away?
We understand that people new to naturism need some time to adjust. Our policy is if one member of a couple gets nude, the other may remain clothed on your first visit. Typically, the remaining clothed partner gets undressed after 10-20 minutes and enjoys the remainder of their visit nude.
Single Women in Naturism
Gain insight from women who practice naturism, some without the company of their spouse or significant other.